Deploy ReactJS Project on Firebase?
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes…………………………..It’s free of cost and ease:)
These below steps are very easy for deploying ReactJS on firebase. no worry for just build your ReactJS project and deploy.
Step 1 : Go to inside your project directory, and open with CMD or terminal, and use the below command as :
“npm run build”
Step 2 : Install the firebase tool on you local machine, so that you can use firebase command on your terminal/CMD
“npm install -g firebase-tools”
Then login with your firebase account on terminal by using “firebase login”
after that initialise the firebase directory inside your project folder
use command below :
“firebase init” : You have to choose below option :
Then choose option “Hosting”, click with spacebar and then go with that, at last you have provide your folder named as “build” or public that you have recently build your reactjs project. Then choose your project for first time “ Index.html“ , that’s it
Enjoy your coding at work…………….
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